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Academic Advising 1942
Academic Outreach 1399
Academic Success Center 1980
Admissions 1030
Allied Health Department 2170 and 2176
Alumni Association 1641
Anthropology/Sociology 1608
Applied Studies, School of 2170
Art 1125
Arts and Sciences, College of 1636
Astronomy 2141
Athletics 1134  

Banking Department 2115
Bookstore, Washburn University 2665
Business Office 1156
Biology Department 2007
Business, School of 1308

Campus Activities Board 1222
Career Engagement 1450
Chemistry Department 2270
College of Arts and Sciences 1636
Communication Department 2230
Computer Information Sciences Department 1739
Counseling Service 1450
Crane Observatory 2264
Criminal Justice Department 1411
Curriculum Resource Center 1436

Dining Services 1456
Diagnostic Medical Sonography 2294  

Education Department 1427
English Department 1441
Enrollment Management 1812
Equal Opportunity 1509  

Financial Aid 1151

Human Resources 1538
Health Information Technology Department 2174
Help Desk (3000)
Human Services Department 2116
History Department 2060
Honors Program 1342

Ichabod Service Center 1188
Information Systems and Services 2066
Institutional Research 1645
Intensive English (ESL) 1051
International House 1051
International Programs 1051
International Students 1051

Kinesiology Department 1459
KTWU Television 1111

Law, School of 1060
Law Library 1088
Leadership Institute 2000
Learning in the Community (LinC) 1950
Legal Technology 1659

Mass Media Department 1836
Mathematics and Statistics Department 1491
Memorial Union 1454
Modern Languages Department 1714
Multicultural Affairs 1622
Mulvane Art Museum 1124
Music Department 1511

Nursing, School of  

Payroll 2076
Philosophy Department 1542
Physical Therapist Assistant Department 1406
Physics Department 2141
Police 1300
Political Science Department 1737
President 1556
Psychology Department 1564  

Radiation Therapy 2176
Radiologic Technology 2173 and 1535
Religion Department 1542
Residential Living 1065  

Social Work Department 1616
School of Applied Studies 2170
School of Business 1308
School of Law 1060
School of Nursing 1525
Student Involvement & Development 1723
Student Health 1470
Student Life 2100
Student Media (Washburn Review) 2530
Student Recreation and Wellness Center 1314
Student Services 1629
Study Abroad 1051  

Technology Support Center (Help Desk) 3000
Technology Administration Department 2280
Theatre Department 1639  

University Registrar 1074
University Relations 1154
University Scheduling 1707 and 1725  

Veterans Affairs 1629
Vice President for Academic Affairs 1648
Vice President for Administration and Treasurer 1634  

Washburn Review (Student Media) 2530
Washburn Student Government Association 1169
Washburn University Bookstore 2665
Writing Center 1397

By location

Art Building 1125  

Bennett Computer Center
Information Systems and Services 2066
Technology Support Center (Help Desk) 3000  

Benton Hall
Leadership Institute 2000
Learning in the Community (LinC) 1950
Academic Outreach 1399
School of Applied Studies 2170
                Allied Health 2170 and 2176
                Banking 2155
                Criminal Justice 1411
                Diagnostic Medical Sonography 2294
                Health Information Technology 2174
                Human Services 2116
                Legal Technology 1659
                Physical Therapist Assistant 1406
                Radiation Therapy 2176
                Radiologic Technology 2173 and 1535
                Social Work 1616
                Technology Administration 2280  

Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center
Alumni Association 1641
Institutional Research 1645
Vice President for Academic Affairs 1648
Vice President for Administration and Treasurer 1634  

Carnegie Hall
Curriculum Resource Center 1436
Education 1427  

Garvey Fine Arts Center
Music 1511
Philosophy 1542
Religion 1542
Theatre 1639  

Henderson Learning Resources Center
Anthropology/Sociology 1608
History 2060
Honors Program 1342
Mass Media 1836
Political Science 1737
Psychology 1564
School of Business 1308  

International House 1051  

KTWU Television Station 1111  

Law School 1060
Law Library 1088  

Living Learning Center
Residential Living 1065  

Mabee Library 2485
Academic Success Center 1980
Writing Center 1397  

Memorial Union 1454
Campus Activities Board 1222
Dining Services 1456
Ichabod Service Center 1188
Student Involvement & Development 1723
Student Media (Washburn Review) 2530
University Scheduling 1707 and 1725
Washburn Student Government Association 1169
Washburn University Bookstore 2665  

Morgan Hall
Academic Advising 1942
Admissions 1030
Business Office 1156
Career Engagement 1450
College of Arts and Sciences 1636
Communication Department 2230
Counseling Services 1450
English 1441
Enrollment Management 1812
Equal Opportunity 1509
Financial Aid 1151
Mathematics and Statistics 1491
Modern Languages 1714
Multicultural Affairs 1622
Payroll 2076
Police 1300
President's Office 1556
Student Health Services 1470
Student Life 2100
Student Services 1629
University Registrar 1074
University Relations 1154
Veterans Affairs 1629  

Mulvane Art Museum  1124  

Petro Allied Health Center
Athletics 1134
Kinesiology 1459
School of Nursing 1525
Stoffer Science Hall
Astronomy 2141
Biology 2077
Chemistry 2270
Computer Information Sciences 1739
Crane Observatory 2264
Physics 2141  

Student Recreation and Wellness Center 1314

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